iOS 10 Messages has 1650 apps available

The new application Messages, Messages, a iOS 10 has implemented a system that allows the development of special applications that offer us various functions for it. From stickers to applications with pictures, video clips, or that interconnect with other applications in our terminals, there are a total of 1650 applications for the Messages application in iOS 10.

Yes, you read that right, we are talking about 1650 applications published in almost two weeks just for this iOS 10 Messages application, and 75% of them are with stickers. Practically, now in the AppStore of the Messages application of iOS 10 you can find almost any sticker you can think of, some of the applications being distributed for free, while others have to be bought.

1251 apps for iOS 10 Messages are represented by stickers, and the remaining 402 are games, information apps, and the like. Of the total, two-thirds are paid and only one-third are free, so many developers expect iDevice users to pay for apps that have various funny characters in them and nothing more.

The even more interesting part is that although 86% of the applications cost only 1 euro, 12% cost 2 euros, 1% cost 3 euros and only one application costs 4 euros. Leaving aside the applications with stickers, out of the remaining 402 titles, games represent almost a quarter, and the rest are divided into a variety of categories that you can see in the tables below.

applications ios 10 messages

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