Mobile World Congress 2014: Eyeverify scans your retina to replace passwords in iOS

  Eyeverify is a technology developed by a recently founded company, allowing users to use their eyes to secure their applications and their important content. Presented at Mobile World Congress 2014Eyeverify scans the retina of users to replace the classic method of logging in using a password, the developers of the technology claiming that this system is at least as secure as the one for scanning the retina, the difference being that no special hardware is needed to use it.

  Although we are not talking about a completely new technology, the difference between Eyeverify and other similar systems is that soon developers for the iOS platform will have available an SDK that will allow its implementation in applications. Practically any developer will be able to use Eyeverify to give users the opportunity to secure their important data from the application using their retina, but the bad part is that each developer will have to implement this system themselves.