Rumor: iPad 2 con carcasa de fibra de carbono

John Gruber a scris astazi un articol in care reitera posibila implementare aa unei carcase din fibra de carbon pentru tableta iPad 2. Nu e prima oara cand apar astfel de rumores in legatura cu tableta iPad 2 si nici macar Gruber nu le prezinta ca fiind 100% corecte, insa daca tableta iPad 2 cu carcasa din fibra de carbon ar arata precum cea din imagine eu unul nu m-as supara. O tableta cu o astfel de carcasa ar fi mult mai usoara, s-ar zgaia ceva mai repede dar parta estetic ar arata mult mai bine decat cea din aluminiu. Implementarea unei carcase din fibra de carbon ar ajuta de asemenea si la imbunatatirea calitatii semnalului asa ca per total nu ar fi o idee rea.

I could publish things I’m only half-sure about, like the iPad 2 switching from aluminum to a lightweight high-strength carbon fiber body, but I don’t, because I’m only half-sure and I’ve only heard about it from second-hand sources who themselves are unsure about it. And even if I were to off-handedly mention such speculation, I’d do so in a footnote and take pains to emphasize the uncertain nature of the information and the second-hand status of the sources thereof. What I would never do is take a flyer and report uncertain speculation as a fact, and, if it wound up not panning out, chalk it up to Apple having changed things at the last moment rather than the report being flat-out wrong all along.

Tu ai cumpara o tableta iPad 2 cu carcasa din fibra de carbon?