El iPhone 5 no tendrá implementada la tecnología NFC

Vom avea sau nu vom avea un nou iPhone cu tehnologia NFC implementata? Nexus S are asa ceva si e “foarte folositoare” deci de ce nu ar implementa Apple o asemenea tehnologie si in viitorul terminal iPhone? Raspunsul e foarte simplu: pentru ca deocamdata in SUA rata de penetrare a tehnologiei NFC pentru platile mobile este de doar 1%. Vorbim totusi de SUA unde in general apar primele tehnologii deci ganditi-va cat putin se foloseste tehnologia NFC pentru plati in Europa, Asia sau America de Sud. Pentru Apple ar fi ilogic sa isi bata acum capul cu tehnologia NFC pe care peste 90% dintre clienti nu o vor folosi pentru ca nu au unde.

NFC-based mobile payments require NFC-capable POS terminals,” Sacconaghi wrote. “Only 51,000 retail locations support contactless payments (per Verifone’s 10K); given that First Data alone deals with 4.1M merchant locations in the U.S. this suggests current penetration of just over 1 percent of merchant locations. Clearly, a higher critical mass is needed before mobile payments would take off. We do not expect the iPhone 5 to feature an NFC-based payments solution, and instead expect Apple will evaluate and come to market with partners or a complete solution later, perhaps when NFC infrastructure is more established,” he said in a note to clients. “We note that Apple did not release the first cloud-based music offerings, or the first 3G or LTE handsets, and entered mobile advertising only after Google bought AdMob – instead, the company has made its name from re-inventing MP3 players, smartphones and most recently tablets/netbooks, and would retain the option to eventually do the same with mobile payments.

Toni Sacconaghi, un analist al Bernstein Research, a verificat informatiile de mai sus cu retailerii din SUA si tot ce spune el este 100% corect. Apple va revolutiona platile mobile prin NFC atunci cand va fi intr-adevar cazul, dar acum ar fi o pierdere de timp si de bani implementarea NFC in iPhone. Noi in Romania chiar nu am avea ce face cu tehnologia NFC si sunt sigur ca situatia e identica in majoritatea statelor europene.