Ice Wings Plus: un nuevo juego de acción para iPhone y iPad (vídeo)


  Ice Wings Plus es un juego disponible desde anoche en App Store para iPhone si iPad, iar in clipul video de mai sus puteti vedea ceea ce ne ofera el din punct de vedere al gameplay-ului. Titlul este o continuare a Alas de Hielo: Cielos de Acero, care a generat aproape 700.000 de descarcari prin App Store, deci vorbim despre un joc extrem de interesant care ar trebui sa ne tina ocupati ore bune.

Real-time shadows, camera filters, normal mapping, FX, definitively, unique graphics that will make you enjoy like in a console. Fly at maximum speed avoiding obstacles and destroying enemies, ACTION is the best word that define Ice Wings Plus. Each aircraft has unique properties, weight, damage, acceleration, try to unlock them and decide which one is your favourite.

  Ice Wings Plus ne ofera controlul asupra unei multitudini de tipuri de avioane pe care trebuie sa le controlam in zborul lor deasupra unei multitudini de locatii in incercarea de a distruge diversii inamici ce ne sunt pusi in cale. O multitudine de niveluri au fost gandite de catre dezvoltatori si implementate pentru noi, fiecare oferind o experienta de joc diferita.

Use the booster that appears for going faster, increase your damage or protect you against enemies. The level is generated randomly, each game will be different from the previous one, you will enjoy for hours and hours. Show your friends your skills like pilot, share and post your score on Facebook or invite them to try to beat your score.

  Ice Wings Plus está disponible para DESCARGA en formato universal en App Store.

Precio inicial:
Ice Wings Plus



Desarrollador: Fernando Ruíz
Categoría: Juegos


With more than 680.000 downloads in the App Store, Ice Wings: Skies of Steel has been converted in reference for the lovers of speed and fighter jets.


El tamaño de la aplicación es: 65.8 Mb