Video: Feed me Oil – Applen valitsema viikon peli


Feed Me Oil este cel mai nou joc lansat de celebra companie Chillingo si am observat ca se afla in topul celor mai cumparate jocuri in multe App Store-uri. Jocul este extrem de simplu, practic avem o teava “sparta” prin care curge petrol pe care noi treuie sa il directionam catre “gura unei creaturi”. Practic avem cateva bare metalice ce trebuie montate pe harta pentru a directiona petrolul catre niste gauri ce trebuie umplute. Atractiv la joc este desigur modul de aranjare al bare metalice deoarece este nevoie de creativitate pe masura ce inaintati in joc avand in vedere nivelul de dificultate creste direct proportional cu nivelul la care ajungeti.

Tässä ovat pelin ominaisuudet:

  • A huge variety of mind-bending levels will test your mental skills.
  • Different ways to solve each puzzle for endless replayability.
  • Intuitive touch controls that make the game a breeze to play.
  • Incredibly slick and realistic physics create oil like you’ve never seen.
  • Unique, surreal art design that looks amazing on your iPhone.
  • Use fans, magnets, wind, and more to beat each level.
  • Gift free levels to your friends and family and share your experience.
  • Stunning musical soundtrack that features jazz, emotive piano tracks, and more.

Cei de la Apple au ales Feed Me Oil drept jocul saptamanii iar pterul de achizitie este 0.79€.