Safari on edelleen mobiilipäätelaitteiden eniten käytetty selain

  Akamai, o companie care livreaza 30% din continutul accesat pe web de catre utilizatori, julkaistu recent un studiu in care ofera diverse detalii in legatura cu world wide web-ul pe care il accesam zilnic. Referindu-ne strict la terminale mobile, ei sustin ca Android-ul are cel mai utilizat browser cand vine vorba de conexiunile de date celulare, 38% dintre utilizatori folosind acest tip de browser pentru a naviga pe internet, safari avand o cota de piata de 34%, iar in urma lor regasim restul suite de browsere pentru terminale mobile.

 Akamai notes that when it looks at access from mobile devices over cellular networks, Android Webkit is just edging out Mobile Safari, with other browsers trailing quite a ways behind. Webkit, it notes, accounted for 38% of requests, while Safari 34%. When usage was tracked across cellular and other networks (for example, broadband via WiFi), Safari shot into the lead, with 54% of all requests and Android Webkit at 27%+. This could partly be attributed to iPad usage; perhaps also just to the fact that while iOS owners may be proportionally smaller than Android device owners, when you take into account all kinds of usage, they are simply just using their devices more.

  Daca in cazul datelor celulare Android-ul castiga, cand vine vorba de navigarea pe web de pe terminale mobile folosind orice tip de conexiune, safari este rege, avand o cota de 54%, fata de cei doar 27% ai Android-ului. Suprematia Safari-ului este castigata cu ajutorul tabletelor iPad, majoritatea dintre acestea accesand internetul doar folosind conexiuni Wi-Fi, iar per total acest lucru demonstreaza faptul ca iDevice-urile sunt utilizate mult mai des pentru navigare pe web decat terminalele Android.

Akamai also notes that average connection speeds on mobile networks are now ranging from between 9.7Mbps to 0.5Mbps. Akamai doesn’t track this itself but notes that Ericsson says that mobile data traffic volume grew 14% in the last year, while voice traffic was up by only 5%.

   Lasand browserele la o parte, Akamai sustine ca viteza globala medie de download pentru terminale mobile atinge 9.7 Mbps in Q2 2013, in timp ce viteza de upload este de doar 0.5 Mbps, traficul de internet generat de terminale mobile crescand cu 14% in ultimul an, in timp ce rata de utilizare a functiei de telefonie a crescut cu doar 5%.