Lääketieteelliset ompeleet, jotka valvovat haavoja ja välittävät tiedot älypuhelimeen

Inginerii de la Tufts University au creat suturi medicale ce sunt capabile sa monitorizeze ranile pe care sunt aplicate.

Aceste fire chirurgicale sunt realizate din bumbac sau materiale sintetice si sunt impregnate sau acoperite cu substante chimice ce reactioneaza la diferite elemente din corpul uman. Medicii pot urmari astfel, de la distanta, evolutia unei plagi, a unei rani sau starea unei infectii din corp.

Suturile respective simt presiunea, temperatura, stresul si nivelurile de pH si glucoza iar toate aceste informatii sunt trimise prin intermediul unei aplicatii la un smartphone.

Outputs of the sensors were connected to readout electronics on a different layer, which consisted of electronics for signal processing and wireless communication to a smartphone or a computer using conductive threads as interconnects.


The ability to suture a thread-based diagnostic device intimately in a tissue or organ environment in three dimensions adds a unique feature that is not available with other flexible diagnostic platforms,” said Dr Sameer Sonkusale, director of the interdisciplinary Nano Lab at Tufts school of engineering. “We think thread-based devices could potentially be used as smart sutures for surgical implants, smart bandages to monitor wound healing, or integrated with textile or fabric as personalised health monitors and point-of-care diagnostic.

Momentan aceste suturi medicale inca nu sunt folosite in spitale, suturile mai trebuie sa treaca printr-o serie de teste de biocopatibilitate.