Vidéo : Steve Jobs a travaillé sur le futur produit d'Apple jusqu'au jour de sa mort


    S-a discutat foarte mult despre moartea lui Steve Jobs insa acum CEO-ul operatorului japonez Softbank face cateva afirmatii foarte interesante in legatura cu pasiunea pe care Jobs o pune in produsele sale. CEO-ul Softbank a fost prezent la conferinta de prezentare a noului iPhone 4S si acolo a avut o scurta intrevedere cu CEO-ul Apple Tim Cook. Din pacate discutiile celor doi au fost intrerupte de catre Steve Jobs care il sunase pe Cook pentru a discuta despre viitorul produs pe care compania din Cupertino il pregateste pentru lansarea pe piata. Din pacate chiar a doua zi Steve Jobs a decedat si Apple a anuntat oficial tragicul eveniment chiar pe propriul site.

I visited Apple for the announcement of the iPhone 4S. When I was having a meeting with Tim Cook, he said, ‘Oh Masa, sorry I have to quit our meeting.’ I said, ‘Where are you going?’ He said, ‘My boss is calling me.’ That was the day of the announcement of the iPhone 4S. He said that Steve is calling me because he wants to talk about their next product. And the next day, he died.

   Desi cei de la Apple si cei din familia lui Jobs stiau ca fostul co-fondator al companiei urma sa moara, iata ca in final dragostea pentru dezvoltarea celor mai bune produse de pe piata l-a tinut activ chiar pana in ziua in care a parasit acest pamant. Desigur ca nimeni nu stie la ce produs lucra Steve Jobs in acel moment insa interesant este ca a fost activ implicat in conducerea companiei Apple pana in ziua mortii dar mai interesant este ca desi parasise functia de CEO inca detinea controlul asupra Apple, asa cum ni se spune in afirmatia de mai sus.

Even one day before he passed away, the first subject he wanted to call Tim Cook about…he wanted to talk about the next product… That’s the kind of spirit a true entrepreneur would continue to have until they die. He was very sick, very ill. But the announcement of their newest product made him live longer. Physically he could have died much earlier. But his passion, his love for his own company and dream, about the next products, that made him energized.