L'application Instagram a été mise à jour avec des nouvelles importantes

application Instagram est la plus grande plateforme de partage de photos, en dehors de Facebook, et hier soir, la société qui la gère a lancé une mise à jour visant à améliorer l'expérience utilisateur offerte aux utilisateurs du monde entier.

Hier soir je t'ai parlé de Histoires Instagram, o noua functie pe care compania Instagram a implementat-o pentru utilizatorii din lumea intreaga, iar actualizarea din aceasta dimineata este oferita exact pentru a implementa aceasta functionalitate, ea urmand a fi activata gradual pentru utilizatorii din lumea intreaga.

Introducing Instagram Stories, a new feature that lets you share all the moments of your day, not just the ones you want to keep on your profile. As you share multiple photos and videos, they appear together in a slideshow format: your story. Instagram Stories will be rolling out globally over the next few weeks.

  • Share multiple photos and videos (as many as you want!) to your story. Bring them to life with text and drawing tools. They disappear after 24 hours and won’t appear on your profile grid or in feed.
  • Watch stories from people you follow in a bar at the top of your feed, from your best friends to your favorite popular accounts.
  • View stories at your own pace: tap to go back and forward or swipe to jump to another person’s story.
  • Comment on someone’s story by sending them a private message on Instagram Direct. Unlike regular posts, there are no likes or public comments.
  • Your story follows the privacy settings of your account. Swipe up to check out who’s seen each photo and video in your story. Hide your entire story from anyone you don’t want to see it, even if they follow you.
  • Feature a particular photo or video in your story by posting it on your profile.

Le même changelog a été publié par la société Facebook et pour la version précédente Instagram, l'application étant disponible pour TELECHARGER GRATUITEMENT depuis l'App Store.

Mise à jour Instagram