DuoCam porta la funzione Dual Shot del Samsung Galaxy S4 su iPhone

  DuoCam è un'applicazione per iPhone care ne permite sa replicam in iDevice-urile proprii functia Doppio colpo terminale Samsung Galaxy S4. Practic functia permite utilizatorilor sa inregistreze simultan poze cu camera principala si cea frontala a terminalelor, cele doua poze fiind combinate intr-una singura. Ideea este de a oferi utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a isi inregistra expresia si emotiile in timp ce inregistreaza o poza importanta, acest gen de aplicatii fiind disponibile de ceva vreme in App Store.

Take photos with BOTH front-facing and regular cameras at the same time!

DuoCam captures photos with front-facing and regular cameras, producing amazing two-sided photos. With the app, the photographer is exposed on the photo too! So express your emotion and capture it while capturing the regular photo. 

There’s a number of ways the photo can be exported including:
– two photos stitched together
– picture-in-picture
– one photo overlaid over the other

  DuoCam è disponibile gratuitamente in App Store.

Prezzo iniziale:
DuoCam – take two sided photos with both cameras!



Sviluppatore: APPVETICA Sp.z oo
Categoria: Foto e video

Descrizione: Take photos with BOTH front-facing and regular cameras at the same time!

DuoCam captures photos with front-facing and regular cameras, producing amazing two-sided photos. With the app, the photographer is…

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