La canzone di Steve Jobs


Then Antenna Song, un clip video in care un barbat ironizeaza problemele cu semnalul ale iPhone 4, a fost prezentat de cei de la Apple in deschiderea conferintei de vineri deoarece Steve Jobs i-a placut modul in care a fost realizat. Producatorul clipului video, Jonathan Mann, a fost contactat de Apple pentru a i se cere permisiunea de a rula clipul video in cadrul conferintei si a ramas atat de miscat de publicitatea pe care a primito clipul sau incat s-a descis sa faca unul si despre Steve Jobs. Sincer as fiu parca cel al antenei era mai bine realizat, ceva mai atractiv, acesta e mai mult un elogiu adus lui Steve Jobs.

As for asking permission, I got a call pretty soon after I woke up yesterday. It was pretty simple, they called and asked and I said, um, yes! So, I talked to Apple a little after the show, they thanked me and I thanked them. I forget the name of the guy…I think he was in PR. He probably called yesterday around 3 or so. As for compensation, the increased interest in my music, etc, seems like a lot to me… I don’t really feel the need to ask for anything more! If that makes any sense.