Apple is verantwoordelijk voor het falen van de Zune

  Zune este un fel de iPod produs de catre Microsoft in ideea de a convinge cat mai multi oameni ca iPod-ul, si alte media playere, nu sunt bune. Zune-ul a fost un esec si un fost director al Microsoft herkennen ca lansarea produsului a fost o idee proasta. El spune ca Zune-ul nu ar fi trebuit lansat vreodata de catre Microsoft pentru ca decizia de  a il lansa a venit mult prea tarziu, la o data la care intreaga industrie muzicala era “prinsa” in jurul iTunes-ului. Pentru Microsoft promovarea Zune-ului s-a dovedit a fi atat de grea incat in final compania a decis sa scoata produsul de pe piata, dar dupa vreo cativa ani in care s-a chinuit sa il aduca in atentia tuturor.

If I had hindsight, 20-20, and could do Zune over again, we would skip portable media players completely. We would go to what, at the time, was the Windows Mobile team and say we’re going to produce the coolest music service for your phones ever. The portable music market is gone and it was already leaving when we started. We just weren’t brave enough, honestly, and we ended up chasing Apple with a product that actually wasn’t a bad product, but it was still a chasing product, and there wasn’t a reason for somebody to say, oh, I have to go out and get that thing.

  iTunes este cel mai mare magazin virtual de muzica din lume si Microsoft nu putea concura cu el avand un produs care nu se putea conecta la el. Cei de la Microsoft au vazut prea tarziu ca intreaga industrie muzicala “leviteaza” in jurul iTunes-ului si o eventuala ruptura era imposibila. In ciuda eforturilor celor de la Microsoft si a sutelor de milioane de dolari cheltuiti pentru promovarea produsului, Zune-ul a fost in final un proiect care trebuia sa ramana uitat, dar a fost facut uitat de Apple si iPod.

It’s not like we didn’t try but — I don’t know how to say this politely — the music industry just didn’t get it. They just didn’t figure out that being dependent on Apple was bad for them. And they were so hooked on the drug of what Apple was supplying them that they couldn’t see past that to realize that they needed something else to actually drive their business. The label business, the music industry, has never recovered from that.

If you look at business value, Apple took whatever business value was in the label business and erased it. That’s not a complaint about Apple, good for them. But they erased that, and created some new value for themselves.

Oare acelasi lucru se va intampla si cu Windows Phone? Daca da, atunci vina nu va fi doar a celor de la Apple.