Wideo: geohot zaczyna śpiewać rap, atakuje Sony


Dupa cum stiti deja, geohot a fost obowiązkowy de o instanta americana sa predea hard disk-urile computerelor sale catre compania Sony pentru a fi inspectate in vedere analizarii informatiilor de pe ele. Hackerul pare sa “suporte” destul de bine situatia,  ba mai mult s-a apucat de cantat si a facut un video in care ataca, compania Sony datorita procesului intentat impotriva sa. Melodia e destul de ok, geohot canta mult mai bine decat m-as fi asteptat, per total merita sa pierdeti 1 minut din viata voastra pentru a viziona clipul video de mai sus si a intelege mesajul lui geohot.

Melodia din videoclip o puteti descarca de tutaj, versurile le aveti mai jos.

Aktualizacja: Geohot a pus o melodie de-a lui Eminem in fundal si a mimat bine la camera.


Yo it’s geohot
And for those that don’t know
I’m getting sued by Sony

Let’s take this out of the courtroom and into the streets
I’m a beast, at the least, you’ll face me in the northeast
Get my ire up, light my fire
I’ll go harder then Eminem went at Mariah
Call me a liar
Pound me in the ass with no lube, chafing
You’re fucking with the dude who got the keys to your safe and
Those that can’t do bring suits
Cry to your Uncle Sam to settle disputes
Thought you’d tackle this with a little more tact
But then again fudgepackers, I don’t know Jack

I shed a tear everytime I think of Lik Sang
But shit man, they’re a corporation
And I’m a personification of freedom for all
You fill dockets, like thats a concept foreign to y’all
While lawyers muddy water and TROs stall
Out of business is jail for me
And you’re suing me civilly

Exhibit this in the courtroom
Go on, do it, I dare you