Apple przestanie sprzedawać część urządzeń peryferyjnych we własnych sklepach

Dupa anuntul privind retragerea suitei MobileMe de pe rafturile magazinelor proprii, Apple va renunta acum si la comercializarea anumitor periferice si a anumitor suite software. Compania intentioneaza sa scoata de pe rafturi anumite modele de imprimante, scannere si hard disk-uri iar pe partea software ar putea renunta la nu mai putin de 32 de jocuri. Chiar daca aceste produse vor fi scoase de pe rafturile companiei, ele vor fi tinute in stocul fizic in eventualitatea in care un client va dori sa le achizitioneze.

Among the products that will no longer be displayed in the retail stores are printers, scanners and possible some hard drives. These peripherals will still be stocked in the store and available if a customer requests them.

At the point of sale, the Apple salesperson will still recommend the customer purchase one of those peripherals if they feel it fits in with the customer’s purchase.

According to my sources, Apple is also getting rid of up to 32 game titles from its retail locations. That would reduce the number of games being displayed in the stores to around 8 per store.

Aceasta miscare a celor de la Apple este menita sa faca loc noului serviciu Personal Setup prin care anumiti angajati ajuta clientii sa se familiarizeze cu produsele companiei in cazul in care achizitioneaza un Mac sau un iDevice pentru prima oara.