W ciągu ostatnich trzech miesięcy dzienna liczba sprzedanych iPhone'ów przekroczyła dzienną liczbę urodzeń na świecie

   In ultimele trei luni ale anului 2011 Apple sprzedał nu mai putin de 37 de milioane de terminale iPhone avand o medie de 377.900 de iPhone-uri vandute in fiecare zi. Cei de la Thenextweb au luat aceasta cifra si au comparat-o cu cea privind numarul de copii nascuti zilnic pe intregul glob(317.000) si au descoperit ca in ultimele trei luni numarul zilnic de iPhone-uri vandute a intrecut numarul zilnic de nasteri de pe glob. Statistica este impresionanta pentru ca vorbim despre o singura companie care vinde zeci de milioane de smartphone-uri in fiecare trimestru fiscal.

The 37.04M iPhone figure divided out over the period of 98 days in the quarter gives us a slightly lower number at 377.9K sold every day, but it’s still higher than the world’s average birth rate which clocks in at 371K per day. If those numbers are correct, and we believe that they are, Apple is now making iPhones at a rate that exceeds the amount of babies that humans produce on earth every day. This number is likely to be transient as the birth rate isn’t static and Apple’s first quarter normally gets a bump in sales from the Christmas shopping season which subsides in the second.

   Desi cifrele sunt impresionante, trebuie avut in vedere faptul ca aceasta este o premiera pentru Apple si nu se stie cand anume va realiza acelasi lucru.