HoneyComb – nowy motyw na iOS z unikalnym designem

  Plaster miodu to nowy motyw wprowadzony ostatniej nocy w Cydia, iar ea reprezinta o combinatie destul de reusita intre iOS 7 si imaginatia dezvoltatorului. Daca va uitati la imaginile dina cest articol, veti realiza ca toate iconitele aplicatiilor si multe elemente ale UI-ului au forma hexagonala, schimbarea fiind destul de interesanta si binevenita, as putea spune. Exact precum restul temelor disponibile in CydiaPlaster miodu modifica atat aspectul iconitelor aplicatiilor native/terte, cat si interfata Notifications Center-ului sau a LockScreen-ului, iar pentru aplicatiile care nu au iconite generate exista un generator automat.

This theme gives your phone simple yet remarkably unique look that you’ve never seen before. HoneyComb themes all stock icons as well as some of the most popular AppStore apps and for all the icons that haven’t been themed (yet) there is an “automatic” app icon mask. I’ve also included some UI elements such as lock screen, battery and notification center.

  Plaster miodu jest dostępny w repozytorium ZodTTD i MacCiti al Cydia.