W Cydii została wydana aktualizacja Cydii 1.1.9, która zapewnia kompatybilność z iOS 7

  Cu doar cateva zeci de minute in urma, saurik(creatorul Cydia), a lansat un update pentru aplicatia Cydia, el aducand compatibilitate cu noul iOS 7 i evasi0n7. Fara a mentiona absolut nimic prin intermediul contului sau Twitter, saurik explica totusi ca acest update are menirea de a face aplicatia Cydia compatibila cu toate versiunile ale iOS de la iOS 2 la iOS 7. Din pacate, acest build nu este lipsit de buguri, dropbar-ul aplicatiei nefiind 100% functional, insa saurik lucreaza la rezolvarea rapida a problemelor.

Due to evasi0n 7 having been released with an unofficial build of “Cydia”, I had to upgrade Cydia via a package. This is more complex, as packages I release in my repository have to work for all users, not just those on the latest firmware. I have managed to get Cydia 1.1.9 working on iOS 2-7. Please understand that there are still some things about this build that are “not quite right” (including the dropbar, which I want to have work like the iTunes Store’s song preview bar, but right now is simply broken). I needed to get this out so I could move to Substrate, and thereby kind of hacked that together.

  Cydia Installer 1.1.9 aktualizacja este disponibil gratuit in Cydia, insa trebuie sa aveti rabdare pentru a il instala, deoarece serverele care gazduiesc repo-urile sunt supuse unui load mare si vor afisa informatii cu dificultate.