HUDE ulepsza interfejs iOS 7

  HUD jest uszczypnąć dostępne od ostatniej nocy w Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem modifica informatiile care sunt afisate in HUD-ul iOS-ului iDevice-urilor noastre. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginea de mai sus, HUD-ul iOS 7 va fi capabil sa afiseze informatii despre melodia care ruleaza prin aplicatia Music, numele artistului care a scris-o, coperta unui album fiind deasemenea prezenta pentru noi, HUD-ul permitand pornirea/oprirea rularii unei melodii si trecerea la alta din lista folosind doar tap-uri.

HUDE or, HUD Enhancer, gives you various options to improve the HUD. View the song title, artist, and album artwork of the currently playing song in the HUD with one of two different styles. Play or pause the any song by tapping the HUD, or choose the next or previous song by swiping left or right. Currently HUDE only supports the Music app, but there is planned support for third party apps.

  HUD jest dostępny w cenie 1.5 $ w repo BigBoss al Cydia.