Apple przekazuje 1.6 miliona dolarów ofiarom trzęsienia ziemi w Chinach

  Podczas tego dnia Tim Cook a trimis un memoriu intern angajatilor companiei Apple prin care a anuntat faptul ca o donatie in valoare de 1.6 milioane de de dolari va fi facuta victimelor curtemurului din Yunnan, China. Cei 1.6 milioane de dolari vor fi donati organizatiilor care au grija ca victimele curtemurului din Yunnan, China sunt ajutate, 589 de persoane fiind ucise, in timp ce peste 200.000 au fost relocate de catre autoritati.

  Impreuna cu acest memoriu, Apple a publicat un mesaj de sustinere pe prima pagina a website-ului sau dedicat Chinei, cei din Cupertino aratandu-si suportul via-a-vis de cei afectati de catre cutremur. Aceasta nu este prima oara cand compania Apple doneaza sume impresionante de bani pentru a sustine victimele unui dezastru natural, eforturile sale intensificandu-se sub conducerea lui Tim Cook.


Our deepest sympathies go out to the people of China’s Yunnan Province, which was struck by a devastating 6.5-magnitude earthquake over the weekend. Nearly 600 people died and over 2400 were injured in the worst earthquake to hit the region in 100 years. Rescuers have evacuated 230,000 people who are now displaced from their homes. The road to Longtoushan Township, the epicenter of the quake, has been blocked by landslides, making the rescue effort there even more challenging. Apple is eager to help. We are making a financial donation in support of the work of Mercy Corps and CFPA (China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation) to get supplies and relief to those affected by the earthquake and to help them through the process of healing and recovery. The tragedy in Yunnan Province is on the minds of many in the Apple community. Apple has over 6500 employees in China and Hong Kong as well as a growing developer community and deep ties to the workers in our supply chain who make Apple products. In this time of tragedy, our thoughts are with the victims and their families.
