iPhone 6 – nowe cienkie ekrany generują duże problemy produkcyjne dla partnerów Apple

iPhone 6L panou frontal - iDevice.ro

  iPhone 6 va fi disponibil in doua modele, unul cu 4.7-calowy ekran i jeden z 5.5-calowy ekran, ambele componente urmand a fi mai subtiri decat ecranele folosite pentru iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C. Pentru a face ecranele mai subtiri, compania Apple a intentionat sa foloseasca doar un singur modul pentru iluminarea ecranului, insa aceasta schimbare okazało się a nu fi viabila, asa ca Apple a trebuit sa opreasca in iunie procesul de fabricare al ecranelor.

Two supply chain sources said display panel production suffered a setback after the backlight that helps illuminate the screen had to be revised, putting screen assembly on hold for part of June and July. One said Apple, aiming for the thinnest phone possible, initially wanted to cut back to a single layer of backlight film, instead of the standard two layers, for the 4.7-inch screen, which went into mass production ahead of the 5.5-inch version.

  Compania americana le-a cerut mai apoi partenerilor sa produca ecranele cu doua module de iluminare, asa ca intreaga productie pentru iunie si iulie a fost amanata pentru luna august. In momentul de fata partnerii Apple care produc ecrane pentru iPhone 6 sustin ca procesul de productie este activ la parametri normali, insa desigur ca un numar limitat de ecrane mai poate fi produs pentru iPhone uruchomienie 6.

But the new configuration was not bright enough and the backlight was sent back to the drawing board to fit in the extra layer, costing precious time and temporarily idling some screen assembly operations, the source said. Output is now back on track and suppliers are working flat-out to make up for lost time, the supply chain sources added.

  Nimeni nu stie daca aceasta intarziere cu peste o luna de zile a initierii procesului de productie in masa pentru ecranele iPhone 6 va afecta lansarea sau disponibilitatea in cantitati mari, insa important este ca Apple si-a rezolvat problemele. Pana acum am aflat ca LG Display va produce majoritatea ecranelor iPhone 6 in fabricile sale, insa Japan Display, Innolux sau Samsung sunt deasemenea contractate.