Video: Barrel 3D-effekt för iOS


Barrel este un nou justera ce va fi disponibil in Cydia in perioada urmatoare si dupa cum vedeti in clipul video de mai sus aduce un efect destul de interesant pentru paginile din SpringBoard. Efectul acesta de 3D, pare destul de interesant insa daca va necesita resurse suplimentare pentru a functiona atunci utilitatea sa se reduce la minim. Tweak-ul va functiona cu orice versiune de iOS intre 4.0 – 4.1, deci il puteti instala linistiti.

Barrel va fi disponibil in Cydia Store(daca nu este deja) pentru 2.99$, un pret exagerat as spune eu.

Barrel is a jailbreak tweak that adds a 3D icon effect to the homescreen. It is available through the Cydia Store for $2.99. The name is a play on “Beryl”, which is both a mineral and the name of a Linux window manager that got merged with Compiz. Compiz was an inspiration for making this icon effect, if you haven’t seen it’s awesomeness in action, I’d highly recommend checking it out.

This tweak has been tested on iOS 4.0 through 4.1. It is not supported on the iPad due to some bugs caused by rotation.