iPhoDroid R14 snart tillgänglig för iDevices

iPhoDroid este programul cu ajutorul caruia posesorii de iPhone 2G/3G pot instala Android pe terminalele proprii in doar cativa pasi simpli. Programul nu a mai fost actualizat de mult datorita un or probleme pe care dezvoltatorii proiectului le-au avut, insa iata ca versiunae R14 va fi in curand disponibila publicului larg si va aduce cateva functii noi. Astazi mentionam functia Full Reset care va permite stergerea completa a terminalului vostru.

Noua versiune a programului ar trebui sa fie disponibila pana la sfarsitul lunii si va aduce schimbari importante atat pentru procesul de instalare cat si pentru modul in care functioneaza Android-ul instalat pe terminalele noastre.

“So then, iPhoDroid R14 now is a matter of embeding good resources to achieve a better performance, easy navigation and of course a maximum bugless running. And, as my workaround is a bit deep as always, I decided to remove the Launcher Pro because of some features such as widget resize does’nt work on a free version, then I moved back to a new research and labs at this time and now Im hardly trying to get this new Launcher in the video and see if its possible to get all those features without drawing off all the battery fast. The DOWNLOAD of the new version is up within this month yet. Keep tuned on my Twitter and thanks for all your support on this project 😉 “