Blizzard skulle kunna porta World of Warcraft till iOS

Blizzard, unul dintre cei mai mari producatori de jocuri din lume, are in plan o posibila portare a celebrului joc World of Warcraft si pe platforma iOS. In momentul de fata World of Wacraft este jucat de 12 milioane de gameri din intreaga lume, gameri care trebuie sa plateasca un abonament lunar la Blizzard pentru a avea acces la serverele companiei. Cei de la Eurogamer au discutat cu anumiti membri ai Blizzard care sustin ca provocarea cea mai mare in portarea acestui joc pe platforma iOS sta in modificarea modalitatii de control a jocului pentru a fi compatibila cu ecranele touchscreen. Din punct de vedere grafic ar fi destul de simplu de portat jocul insa problema modificarii sistemului de control este principalul impediment.

Everyone I know here has an iPhone or an iPad so we’re huge fans of the hardware,” he said. “If we could make the right game changes to make that work, it’s something we’d be interested in. It’s not something you’re going to see in the next week or two, but it’s the kind of thing we’re always looking at. That’s a really big topic. The one [issue] that comes to mind is that WOW is designed for use of a mouse and a keyboard and we haven’t yet seen a console solution that lets us replicate it easily. I suspect that we would also want to own a lot more of the back-end than most console companies would be willing to let us have. Right now we’re being pretty successful just supporting the PC and Macintosh. We’d love to do it if it ever made sense – I’m sure we would.

Greg Street, seful echipei de designeri de la Blizzard, sustine ca in cateva luni echipa sa ar putea avea o versiune functionala a jocului ce ar putea rula pe platforma iOS. Daca se va reusi dezvoltarea unei versiuni pentru iDevices atunci cei de la Blizzard vor avea acces la un magazin de aplicatii din care cu siguranta vor atrage enorm de multi fani ai jocului care desigur ca vor fi dispusi sa plateasca un abonament lunar pentru a juca pe serverele companiei. Pana una alta avem Order & Chaos al celor de la Gameloft care in mare este o clona a World of Warcraft.

There aren’t a lot of sweeping class changes this time around, no-one was totally rebuilt since the Cataclysm launch. We had to adjust some things that didn’t work out quite the way we had hoped and tweaked some numbers around. There are a few mechanics changes, but hopefully it won’t feel too overwhelming for players logging in.