Steve Wozniak om misslyckandet med Apple III, Lisa och Macintosh

   Inceputurile companiei Apple nu au fost in totalitate lipsite de probleme deoarece Steve Jobs si echipa sa au avut foarte multe de rezolvat in Apple III, Lisa si Macintosh, 3 Mac-uri care din pacate au lasat multi utilizatori cu “un gust amar”. Steve Wozniak vorbeste acum despre aceste produse si sustine ca esecul lor are in mare parte legatura cu deciziile luate de catre cei din echipa de marketing a companiei. El spune ca daca produsele ar fi fost construite asa cum si-ar fi dorit angajatii Apple ele ar fi fost un real succes insa fiind facute dupa dorintele managerilor au fost un esec.

The Apple III was a failure, the LISA was a failure, and the Macintosh was a failure. It was only by modifying the Macintosh hugely and over time that we made it a good computer…

If the guys at Apple had built the machine that they would love, it would have been successful. It came instead from formulas from Apple executives…

Marketing people were in charge and some very bad decisions got made, in my opinion. There were hardware failures. You put out a product that has failures right away, and even if you fix it a year later, it just doesn’t sell. It’s the same thing with any smartphone today. It comes out and it has something horribly wrong about it. You can fix everything wrong about it, and it still won’t sell. It has missed its window of opportunity.

   Mai mult decat atat, el spune un lucru foarte adevarat si anume ca oricat ai incerca sa repari un produs stricat dupa ce l-ai lansat pe piata, el nu se va mai vinde. Acest lucru este extrem de adevarat in cazul anumitor produse dar nu si in cazul produselor Apple iar aici am doua exemple foarte elocvente: iPhone 4 si iPhone 4S. iPhone 4 a avut si inca are mai probleme cu semnalul iar despre problemele iPhone 4S stiti cu totii. La iPhone 4S o parte dintre probleme stau in software insa desi Apple nu le-a rezolvat, terminalul se vinde extrem de bine in continuare. In concluzie, regulile se aplica pentru unii dar nu pentru toti.