1Link Green – ett intressant tema för din iDevice

  Pentru fanii metodelor de personalizare a iDevice-urilor exista incepand de astazi o tema numita 1Link Green, ea permitandu-va sa modificati complet aspectul prorpiilor terminale. In imaginea de mai sus o aveti prezentata, ea modifica LockScreen-ul, Springboard-ul, Notifications Center-ul si aspectul aplicatiilor native, deci veti avea o experienta de utilizare diferita dupa instalarea ei. Tema este disponibila in repo-ul ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia si functioneaza pe iPhone/iPod Touch.

Retina Display at its best. Tired of apples old UI well I have your solution! There really is no way to describe this theme. Other than amazing, beautiful, sexy, futuristic, complete… Included: Full Theme, Stock Apps Themed, AppICon Mask, UISounds, FallbackFolder, FullScreen Weather Lockscreen With a Slideshow that you can move anywhere on the Lockscreen. Once you have moved it even after you Lock and Unlock your phone. The position you moved it too will be saved!! Included Tweak Themes: 3 iWidgets, ColorKeyboard, Zepplin, and SBSettings iWidgets: 1. widget to go on top of your weather icon to display live weather! 2. Hi and Lo bar to go at the top of your springboard. 3. PhotoFlow slideshow to go in the dock area. NOTE: In the lock screen and Iwidgets there is an Extra folder with extra images for the slideshows!! To enable these you do need iWidgets tweak and you will need to do a short hold on the springboard 3rd page and drag them into position. Tweaks Needed: Iconoclasm, FolderIcon, Lockscreen Clock Hide and FolderEnhancer (Folder enhancer is not needed but if you have a lot of apps you need more room in your folders!).