AluFrame – en intressant stötfångare för iPhone 5

  Om du har en iPhone 5 si va e frica sa nu-i zgariati marginile, atunci am pentru voi astazi un bumper numit aluframe care arata interesant si este capabil sa va protejeze terminalul. Bumperul atrag atentia prin sistemul interesant de prindere, el desfacandu-se intr-o parte laterala si permitand introducerea/scoaterea iPhone-ului. In interior bumperul are un material cauciucat care impiedica aluminiul structurii sa va zgarie marignile, astfel ca terminalul vostru va fi protejat atat de exterior, cat si de interior.

Just Mobile AluFrame ™ is the elegant aluminum protection for the iPhone 5The sides and edges prone AluFrame ™ encloses with a layer of rubber and metal. Thus, impacts, or intercepted optimally and your iPhone 5 is well protected. Zuerhöhen without the weight considerably. Thanks to the high quality material and for pure design AluFrame ™ provides the optimum edge protection without compromising the design language of the iPhone.

  aluframe det är tillgänglig här till ett pris av 70 €.