WWDC 2016 har officiellt bekräftats av Apple

Aseara Siri ne-a dezvaluit in exclusivitate faptul ca WWDC 2016 se va desfasura in perioada 13 iunie – 17 iunie in San Francisco, California, iar in cursul noptii compania Apple a trimis comunicatul oficial pentru anuntarea evenimentului si a schimbat interfata intregului website dedeicat WWDC.

Pentru anul acesta compania Apple a ales un design inedit pentru pagina dedicata WWDC 2016, astfel ca dezvoltatorii vor vedea elemente similare cu cele folosite in Xcode pentru a scrie aplicatiile ce ajung in App Store, intreaga conferinta fiindu-le dedicata.

Aseara va spuneam ca in cadrul WWDC 2016, mai exact in prima zi a conferintei, compania Apple kommer att presentera iOS 10, OS X 10.12, watchOS 3 si probabil noi modele ale Mac, primele versiuni beta ale sistemelor de operare urmand a fi lansate atunci, Mac-urile urmand a fi lansate ceva mai tarziu.

Exact precum in anii trecut, anul acesta Apple va organiza o tombola pentru dezvoltatorii interesati sa participe la eveniment, acestia trebuind sa se inscrie pana pe 22 aprilie pentru a cumpara bilete, in 25 aprilie Apple anuntandu-i daca pot cumpara acele bilete, care costa 1600 de dolari, sau nu.

The opportunity to buy tickets to this year’s conference will be offered by random selection. Register now through Friday, april 22at 10:00 a.m. PDT for your chance to attend. We will let you know your status by Monday, April 25, 5:00 p.m. PDT.*

Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un eveniment dedicat dezvoltatorilor, compania Apple organizeaza sute de intalniri cu inginerii sai pentru a-i invata pe dezvoltatori cum sa produca aplicatii mai bune sau cum sa implementeze functii noi in aplicatii, iar mai jos aveti toate detaliile evenimentelor :

  • over 1,000 Apple engineers supporting more than 150 hands-on labs and events to provide developers with code-level assistance, insight into optimal development techniques and guidance on how they can make the most of iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS technologies in their apps;
  • access to the latest innovations, features and capabilities of iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS, and best practices for enhancing an app’s functionality, performance, quality and design;
  • the opportunity to connect with thousands of fellow iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS developers from around the world — last year, 80 percent of developers attended for their first time, and in total, more than 70 countries were represented;
  • a series of get-togethers for attendees focused on particular topics with special guest speakers and activities;
  • engaging and inspirational lunchtime sessions with trailblazers and influencers from the worlds of technology, science and entertainment; and
  • the Apple Design Awards which recognize iPhone®, iPad®, Apple Watch®, Apple TV® and Mac® apps that demonstrate technical excellence, innovation and outstanding design.

Acestea fiind spuse, pe 13 iunie vom afla ce are Apple pregatit pentru toamna si va astept aici pentru a discuta despre toate noutatile.