Adevarul din spatele recentelor probleme cu appulo.us

Din ultimele informatii postate pe hackulo.us se pare ca post-ul meu legat de inchiderea appulo.us ar putea fi partial/total eronat. Din cate se pare Kyek a decis de unul singur sa faca anumite schimbari in legatura cu serverul care hosteaza gigantul appulo.us fara sa anunte pe nimeni din echipa de administrate a hackulo.us.

Iata care sunt variantele care se vehiculeaza in momentul de fata despre motivele din spatele “mortii” subite a site-ului appulo.us :

  • He’s probably going to get his files/db dumped on Rapidshare and rm -rf’d soon if he is actually considering putting his website on a shared host.
  • He’s contradicting the point of Appulous, which is to be a central community resource. He should know that his server, if it were a central community resource, cannot even remotely handle the amount of traffic it was being fed when it was a central community resource.
  • He’s probably not going to release v2. He doesn’t have time for it as far as I’m aware, and probably still won’t have time to manage his website when he does put it back up. The most he’ll do is remove the troll bridge.

Din cate se pare Kyek a mutat tot continutul serverului appulo.us pe alt server, public, care poate fi accesat mult mai usor de administratorii respectivei retele, deci securitatea informatiilor a scazut foarte mult si asta din cate se pare i-a determinat pe cei din conducerea hackulo.us

sa refuze colaborarea cu Kyek pana cand acesta va explica actiunile sale.

Pana una alta pe appulo.us apare urmatorul mesaj :

Yo! I’m having some servers moved around. Everyone involved in this is busy as hell, so it might take a few days. Check back later for some news 🙂


(lol @ this domain being re-pointed to a french industry site by mistake xD)

Sper sa isi rezolve repede baietii problemele si sa continue lucrul la noul InstallR pentru ca e mai putin important daca appulo.us va fi sau nu repus in functiune avand in vedere ca AppTrackR face fata deocamdata traficului.

This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 8:41 AM 08:41

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