Mutant Bash TV – un nou concurent pentru Infinity Blade?

Sunt sigur ca va aduceti aminte de Infinity Blade, noul joc al celor de la Epic Games ce urmeaza sa fie lansat pana la sfarsitul acestui an, si probabil il asteptati cu nerabdare insa iata ca acum exista un posibil contracandidat la titlul de cel mai bun joc pentru iOS devices. Mutant Bash TV este un port pe iOS a celebrului joc Rage dezvoltat de Id Software pentru console si PC. Jocul in sine este un 3D shooter iar voi aveti controlul asupra unui personaj ce traieste intr-o lume post-apocaliptica deoarece pamantul a fost lovit de asteroizi si majoritatea populatiei sale a fost ucisa. In mare Mutant Bash TV este un joc destul de repetitiv si seama in anumite aspecte cu Doom Ressurection, insa grafica este extraordinara si cu siguranta va reprezenta un mare pas inainte pentru gaming-ul pe iOS.

Mutant Bash TV va fi disponibil in doar cateva saptamani la pretul de 0.79€ pentru iDevices-urile fara Retina Display si 1.59€ pentru terminalele dotate cu Retina Display. Cei de la Id Software sunt arhicunoscuti pentru jocuri foarte bune si sper ca acesta sa nu faca exceptie de la regula.

The goal of all this, much like the vaults in the Fallout series, is to be able to restore society after the nuclear (or in this case, asteroid) apocalypse. Unsurprisingly, the ark system doesn’t work as well as was hoped. You are the sole survivor of your ark, and with all the other members of your group dead, you awaken to a very different future in a world that has long since forgotten about the Eden Project and the existence of the arks.

Mutant Bash TV plays surprisingly similar to DOOM Resurrection [$6.99]. The entire game takes place on rails, and even the controls are laid out similarly. Tilting controls the camera and your aim, and you have buttons to dodge, fire, switch weapons, and reload. The main difference is just how much faster everything is in Mutant Bash TV. Mutants pop up everywhere, and while you’re dealing with them there are bags of cash to grab and bullseyes to shoot. Your overall performance is graded at the end of the level, at which point you can either move on to a new level or replay the last one for an even higher score. Four difficulty settings are included, ranging from easy (where it’s seemingly impossible to die) to nightmare (which is incredibly difficult).

This post was last modified on nov. 3, 2019, 12:22 PM 12:22

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