Co-fondatorul Apple sustine ca Android va fi sistemul domninant pe smartphone-uri

Steve Wozniac, co-fondatorul Apple, a declarat pentru ziarul olandez De Telegraaf ca in cativa ani Android OS va fi sistemul dominant pe smartphone-uri. Steve Wozniac a comparat succesul Android OS cu cel al Windows OS si este de parere ca sistemul va ajunge la fel de popular precum este Windows-ul acum. El si-a bazat afirmatiile pe faptul ca Android OS ofera mult mai multa liberate si mai multe functii decat iOS, iar diversitatea de terminale care adopta sistemul acesta de operare va atrage din ce in ce mai multi cumparatori. Tot ce spune el acum stie toata lumea de multa vreme, practic Android OS va deveni dominant nu pentru ca este mai bun decat iOS ci doar pentru ca Google permite instalarea sa pe aproape orice modele de telefoane mobile.

Woz stressed that the iPhone, “Has very few weak points. There aren’t any real complaints and problems. In terms of quality, the iPhone is leading.” However, he then conceded that, “Android phones have more features,” and offer more choice for more people. Eventually, he thinks that Android quality, consistency, and user satisfaction will match iOS.

Steve Wozniac a facut o remarca destul de acida si la adresa celor de la Nokia numind sustinand ca este “brand-ul unei generatii trecute” si ca ar trebui sa inventeze niste produse moderne pentru consumatorii tineri. Totodata Steve Wozniac a declarat ca in 2004 Apple a lucrat cu o companie asiatica pentru a produce un telefon “magic” insa colaborarea a fost suspendata, insa in 2007 a fost lansat primul model de iPhone care avea sa schimbe radical modul in care privim smartphone-urile in ziua de astazi.

The first revelation is an admission that Apple had collaborated with a well-known Japanese consumer electronics company in 2004 to develop a phone that was ahead of its time. Woz is quoted as saying that while Apple was content with the quality, it “wanted something that could amaze the world.” Obviously, the phone was shelved followed by Apple’s announcement of the iPhone in January 2007.

This post was last modified on nov. 18, 2010, 2:27 PM 14:27

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