Sony il da in judecata pe geohot si echipa care a dezvoltat fail0verflow

Dimineata v-am spus ca Sony a introdus la o instanta americana o cerere prin care solicita retragerea de pe internet a cheilor pentru decriptarea sistemului de operare al PlayStation 3 dar si a exploit-ului fail0verflow special descoperit pentru a face jailbreak pe PlayStation 3. De dimineata si pana acum Sony pare sa se fi razgandit si acum a introdus o cerere de chemare in judecata pentru geohot, Hector Martin Cantero, Sven Peter plus alti membri ai echipei care au dezvoltat fail0verflow. Sony sustine ca acest exploit incalca drepturile de autor ale companiei cu privire la software-urile brevetate.

Iata acuzatiile :

  • Violating §1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which forbids bypassing access control measures;
  • Violating the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which forbids accessing computers without authorization;
  • Guilty of contributory copyright infringement for encouraging and helping others to crack PS3s as well;
  • Violating the California Computer Crime Law, which is the state computer fraud act (think of this as a backup fraud claim);
  • Violating the PlayStation Network’s Terms of Service (which feels meaningless, really);
  • Interfering with Sony’s relationships with other PSN customers (also meaningless);
  • Trespassing on Sony’s ownership right to the PS3 (this one feels weak) and;
  • Misappropriating Sony’s intellectual property (another weak argument, but there in case the copyright argument fails).

Sony cere instantei sa interzica distributia exploit-ului fail0verflow si a cheilor pentru decriptare precum si confiscarea echipamentelor hardware folosite in dezvoltarea acestui exploit si a solutiei de “jailbreak”. Sony cere desigur si compensatii materiale pentru daunele provocate plus plata comisioanelor incasate de avocati in cadrul acestui proces.

E greu de spus ce va decide instanta, oricum toti baietii astia au nevoie de niste avocati foarte buni pentru a scapa fara a plati fizic sau material.

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