Un grup de activisti americani a facut o petitie impotriva blocarii posibilitatii de a filma cu iPhone-ul

Acum cateva saptamani v-am vorbit despre un brevet de inventie al companiei Apple care presupunea inchiderea automata a filmarilor video facute de camerele terminalelor noastre. Folosind un senzor cu infrarosu terminalul detecteaza anumite semnale trimise de alti senzori asemanatori si poate inchide filmarea video in timpul unor concerte ori a rularii unor filme in cinematografe. S-a spus atunci ca Apple ar bloca posibilitatea oamenilor de a mai inregistra anumite evenimenite si se pare ca un grup de activisti americani au facut o petitie prin care cer companiei Apple sa nu implementeze aceasta tehnologie in iOS si iDevice-uri.

Petitia facuta de ei pune accent pe libertatea de exprimare si dreptul clientilor de a face tot ceea ce doresc, cu propriile terminale insa oare are vreun rost? Multe brevete de inventie ale celor de la Apple nu ajung sa fie implementate vreodata in produse si acesta pare a fi unul dintre ele. Cred ca unii sunt mult prea paranoici daca isi imagineaza ca Apple va bloca posibilitatea de a filma cu propriile noastre camere si cred ca asemenea petitii il fac si pe Steve Jobs sa rada uneori.

As you know, smartphones are extensions of ourselves: They are incredibly powerful tools for communication, education, political expression, community organizing and plain fun. That’s why I’m concerned that Apple wants to patent a sensor that would detect when people are using their phone cameras — and give corporations the power to shut them down. And as we’ve seen in Egypt and elsewhere, the images and videos we take with our phones can be powerful forms of free speech. That’s why governments and businesses that feel threatened by the democratizing nature of mobile devices are doing what they can to control how we use them.
If this tool fell into the hands of repressive regimes or malicious corporations, it would give tyrants and companies the power to silence one of the most critical forms of free expression.
I urge you to immediately stop plans to develop cellphone censorship technology.

This post was last modified on iun. 21, 2011, 3:39 PM 15:39

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