Angajatii Apple sunt demoralizati, se plang de conditiile de munca din magazinele Apple

Probabil stiti deja cu totii ca angajatii din magazinele Apple nu sunt chiar atat de fericiti de conditiile de munca oferite de catre companie. In trecut au aparut foarte multe informatii care ne prezentau o imagine sumbra asupra modului in care trebuie sa isi desfasoare munca angajatii uneia dintre cele mai importante companii de pe glob. Un nou articol scris de In These Times aduce in prim-plan nemultumirile angajatilor companiei, nemultumiri care incep sa se adune si probabil vor duce la organizarea unui sindicat care va pune probleme mari companiei.

In acel articol se specifica faptul ca angajatii sunt demoralizati, sunt nemultumiti de orele pe care trebuie sa le presteze dar sunt nemultumiti si ca Apple nu le ofera planuri de asigurare de sanatate eficienta sau ca nu sunt platiti corect pentru vechime si orele lucrate. Se pare ca Apple pune mai mult pret pe angajatii noi asa ca persoanele care sunt nou angajate in magazine au salarii mai mari decat cei care au un an vechime, de exemplu. Apple listeaza angajatii sai ca lucrand cu jumatate de norma pentru a reduce costurile cu planurile de asigurare de sanatate care desigur ca nu acopera aceleasi aspecte precum planurile pentru angajatii cu norma intreaga. In final se evidentiaza si un aspect foarte important: pentru a reduce costurile Apple angajeaza mai putini angajati decat este nevoie in magazinele sale astfel ca angajatii activi trebuie sa suporte un volum de munca de 2 ori mai marein anumte cazuri.

In concluzie a lucra la Apple este o experienta in sine care trebuie privita ca atare si nu ar trebui sa aiba nici o legatura cu banii pe care ii primesti, cel putin asa spune filosofia conducerii.

  • Veteran Apple Store workers asking about pay disparities (namely, that new hires were being paid more than many employees who had been at the Apple Store for a year or more) are told that “money shouldn’t be an issue when you’re employed at Apple.” Rather, the chance to work at Apple “should be looked at as an experience” worth more than competitive pay alone.
  • Apple Store keeps its retail employee healthcare costs low by defining all employees as part time unless they can literally guarantee that they will be available to work at anytime the store is open. This is true even if you work 40 hours a week.
  • Apple understaffs its retail stores to keep costs down, adding undue amounts of stress for employees and customers alike. A Maryland employee interviewed said that Apple’s understaffing could make the workload “overwhelming” and “a lot more difficult to be effective.” A New York Apple Store employee confirms, comparing the disparity between the lengths Apple goes to to satisfy customers and the length it will go to appease employees as “demoralizing.”
  • Apple management won’t take suggestions on how to make their retail stores work more efficiently because of their “very top-down corporate culture.”
  • Recent changes in Apple Store scheduling policies have led to a “very big overhaul” of workers’ schedules and responsibilities, which means that the average Apple Store employee has less time to do repairs, less consistent schedules and a lot more employee burnout as they spend more time on the floor and work more early morning shifts immediately following night shifts. The new system is described as “draining emotionally and physically.”


This post was last modified on iul. 1, 2011, 8:55 AM 08:55

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