Video: MacBook Air 2011 vs MacBook Air 2010 – performante test

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ca noile MacBook Air au performnate mai bune chiar si decat MacBook Pro-urile din 2010 si iata ca in primul clip avem un prim head 2 head intre 2 Air-uri din 2010 si respectiv 2011. Vorbim despre modelul de 13 inch cu procesor i5 de 1.7 Ghz, 4 GB RAM si SSD de 128 GB vs acelasi model de 13 inch cu procesor Intel Cored 2 Duo la 1.86 Ghz, 4 GB RAM si acelasi SSD de 128 GB. Din start puteti observa ca modelul din 2011 este ceva mai rapid insa in testele facute in iMovie se observa cat de mult conteaza hardware-ul implementat in produsele lansate ieri. Presupun ca va asteptati la o asemenea diferenta, acum stiti exact cum se comporta noul model versus cel vechi deci stiti ce pierdeti daca nu faceti o achizitie.

In al doilea  clip video avem doar un scurt unboxing al noului Mac Mini 2011 si nimic mai mult. Detinatorul noului produs sustine ca performantele sunt net superioare vechiului model care este echipat cu un procesor Intel Core 2 Duo.

I bought them yesterday, just when they came out, and they arrived 2 hours ago (it’s 7PM in Italy). The Mac mini is just like the older model externally, but there is a big difference between the 2 different processors. Even with only 2GB of RAM it goes way faster than the Core 2 Duo equipped with 4 GB, and Lion runs smoothly on it. The MacBook Pro, even if it’s the baseline, is faster than them, but it is also equipped with 4GB of ram. The lack of the CD/DVD is not a great idea from Apple (I think). Installing apps like iWork from my old DVD is difficult, because you have to set up DVD sharing from the MBP. I think it is a good deal because of the price drop. The new Mac Mini is good for newbies to the Mac world.

This post was last modified on iul. 21, 2011, 10:11 PM 22:11

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