iPad 3 cu Retina Display? Doar daca se vor produce indeajuns de multe ecrane

    Apple testeaza inca de anul trecut ecrane retina pentru tableta iPad 3 insa in momentul de fata implementarea lor intr-o tableta depinde doar de Samsung si LG. Retina Display-ul pentru iPad 3 ar urma sa aiba o rezolutie de 2048×1536 si 264 pixeli per inch, Apple practic dubland atat rezolutia cat si densitatea pixelilor. Acum Apple are astfel de ecrane in teste pe tablete dar problema este ca Samsung si LG nu au un sistem de fabricatie indeajuns de eficient care sa le permita sa produca astfel de ecrane in cantitati foarte mari.

The closest that iPad display manufacturers like LG Display and Samsung can get is 2048×1536 resolution display, according to the source. That’s a PPI of 264, twice the 132 PPI on the iPad 2. But whether manufacturers can make them in volumes that Apple demands is the question. “They have production plans for 2,048×1,536 displays. Starting in November. But those are only plans at this point,” said the source, referring to LG and Samsung. “It’s not a question of making just one. That, of course, can be done. The challenge is making lots of them,” the source said. “This is a quantum leap in pixel density. This hasn’t been done before.” If manufacturers are not able to hit the volumes necessary for the higher resolution, there is an interim option of 1,600×1,200, according to the source. The display is also expected to have a brightness of 550 nits. That’s pretty bright, as the typical laptop display panel tops out at about 350 nits.

    Cei de la cNET sustin ca productia pentru aceste ecrane ar trebui sa inceapa in luna noiembrie a acestui an insa deocamdata totul este la un nivel teoretic pentru ca Samsung si LG nu au un proces de fabricare pus la punct. Interesant pentru aceste ecrane este faptul ca au o luminozitate de 550 nits fata de 350 cat are un laptop, deci vorbim despre imbunatatiri majore si din acest punct de vedere. Cei de la cNET spun ca ecranele concepute de catre Apple folosesc un proces tehnologic utilizat pentru prima oara in acest gen de produse si practic aceasta este problema.

    Nu ar fi exclus sa vedem Retina Display in iPad 3, insa nu ar fi exclus ca Apple sa continue cu aceleasi ecrane si aceeasi rezolutie.

This post was last modified on oct. 27, 2011, 9:29 AM 09:29

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