iOS 5 contine referinte cu privire la iPad 3 cu Retina Display, Apple a testat iPad 3 cu ecran 3D

    Acum cateva saptamani aflam ca Apple testeaza o tableta iPad 3 cu Retina Display iar codul respectivului prototip ar fi J2. Ei bine in iOS 5-ul celor de la Apple au fost descoperite referinte cu privire la acest cod J2 care ar apartine tabletei iPad 3 cu ecran retina deci Apple testeaza o tableta iPad cu un asemenea model de ecran. In realitate acest cod J2 este prezent in noul iOS 5 inca din versiunile beta lansate in cursul verii deci Apple a avut cateva luni bune in care a testat produsul si daca partenerii sai vor putea face indeajuns de multe ecrane retina, exista sanse sa vedem iPad 3 cu Retina Display anul viitor.

Apple is currently giving two tablet PC projects codenamed J1 and J2 to its upstream partners for development. The sources revealed that the major differences of the new tablet PCs compared to the previous model are their size, specifications and technologies.  Since the new tablet PCs have a higher resolution, Apple has demanded the design of the light source to be changed from a single LED light bar to two LED light bars on the left and right sides of the machine, but since the method of adopting two LED light bars has created difficulty in shrinking the machine’s thickness, some vendors have come out with designs that only adopt one light bar, but are packing two LED chips into one package.

    In ceea ce priveste posibila lansare a unei tablete iPad cu ecran 3D, cei de la BusinessInsider

citeaza surse din interiorul companiei Apple care sustin ca un prototip al tabletei iPad cu un asemenea ecran a fost testat de Apple. Noul ecran 3D al tabletei ar oferi utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a vedea continut 3D fara ochelari speciali deci ar fi la fel ca restul produselor disponibile acum pe piata. Partea proasta? Apple a renuntat sa mai testeze asemenea ecrane in tableta sa considerand ca deocamdata ele nu ar aduce vreun avantaj iDevice-urilor deci sansele ca vreun ecran 3D sa apara in vreun produs al Apple sunt mici.

“The iPad 3 was often called iPad 3D in early prototypes,” says this source. Like Nintendo’s 3DS, this screen did not require users to wear glasses to see 3D effects. This source says Apple ditched the 3D screen because, he speculates, “they didn’t want it to be a gimmick.

   In concluzie, Apple testeaza tablete iPad 3 cu Retina Display, a testat tablete cu ecran 3D insa stim sigur ca ecranul 3D nu va ajunge la consumatori.

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