315 milioane de iDevice-uri vandute, 85 de milioane de utilizatori ai iCloud si un numar record de descarcari din App Store

  Aseara Apple a anuntat rezultatele financiare pentru Q1 2012 si se pe langa vanzarile record inregistrate de iDevice/Mac-uri am aflat ca in momentul de fata 85 de milioane de utilizatori folosesc iCloud in mod constant. Cifra este de peste 3 ori mai mare decat cea inregistrata acum 3 luni de zile cand Apple lansa iOS 5 si anunta ca intr-un singur weekend 25 de milioane de utilizatori s-au inscris pentru a utiliza iCloud. Desi mare, cifra nu este surprinzatoare avand in vedere ca 315 milioane de iDevice-uri au fost vandute pana in prezent.

I think Peter shared earlier the number of customers that had signed up for iCloud, and it’s already over 85 million, so it’s incredible that this has happened in just a few months’ period of time. We’re thrilled with it, and the response from customers has been incredible. It’s solved a lot of problems that customers were having and made their lives much much easier. It was a fundamental shift recognizing that people had numerous devices and they wanted the bulk of their content in the cloud and easily accessible from all of their devices, and you know, I think we’re seeing the response from that. With 85 million customers in just three months, it is a very very important part — it’s not just a product, it’s a strategy for the next decade.

  La fel de impresionant precum cifrele de vanzari sunt cifrele privind descarcarile din App Store si se pare ca in ziua Craciunului au fost inregistrate peste 140 de milioane de descarcari din App Store, adica aproximativ 10% din cifra de descarcari a unei singur eluni. Apple a avut un trimestru fiscal excelent si probabil in perioada sarbatorilor acestui an va reusi sa il egaleze.

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