Apple anunta rezultatele financiare pentru Q1 2012

   Acum cateva minute compania Apple a publicat un comunicat de presa in care a anuntat vanzari, incasari si profit record inregistrate in ultimele trei luni ale anului trecut. In primul trimestru fiscal al anului 2012 Apple a vandut 37.04 milioane de terminale iPhone, 15.43 milioane de tablete iPad, 5.2 milioane de Mac-uri si 15.4 milioane de iPod-uri pentru incasari 46.33 de miliarde de dolari si profit net de 13.06 miliarde de dolari. In ultimul trimestru fiscal al anului 2011 Apple a stabilit recorduri din toate punctele de vedere si asta in ciuda faptului ca legendarul sau CEO a decedat cu putin timp inaintea lansarii celui mai popular gadget al sau.

   In cateva minute Tim Cook si alti vicepresedinti ai Apple vor tine o conferinta audio in care vor vorbi despre rezultatele financiare ale ultimului trimestru fiscal si ne vor spune ceea ce are compania pregatit pentru viitor.

  • Apple added an extra 14th week to the quarter, which helped its results. Apple made as much in Q1 2012 as it did in half of 2011 total.
  • Average weekly Mac sales were up throughout the quarter, and international Mac sales were up 58 percent. MacBook Pro and MacBook Air were strong, as was the iMac.
  • The iTunes Store did $1.7b in revenue in the quarter, as it expanded throughout the world. Over 20m songs in the store. $120m worth of downloads in apps and music sold on December 25th alone.
  • iPhone 4S has popularity is “tremendous,” but all iPhone models experienced a growth in sales.
  • iPhone handset and accessory sales accounted for $24.4b in revenue, up 133 percent.
  • 140 million App Store downloads in Christmas day alone.
  • More than 62m iOS devices sold in the quarter.
  • By the end of the month, devs will have earned over $4b from the App Store.
  • $6.1B in revenue from retail stores. New records for iPhone, Mac, and iPad sales.
  • 110m visitors to the Apple retail stores — 22k visitors per store, per week.
  • Stores sold 1.1m Macs, and half the Macs were sold to people who’d never owned a Mac before. (As usual.)
  • 315 million cumulative iOS sales.
  • 85 million iCloud customers
  • 4 new stores opened in the quarter, Apple now has 361 stores.
  • Apple now has $97.6b in cash, compared to $81b last quarter. Apple is actively looking at uses for the cash, but “we’re not letting it burn a hole in our pockets.”
  • $64 billion in cash is off shore.
  • We were thrilled with the 37m iPhones we sold. This is substantially above our 20m unit previous record. We would attribute it to a phenomenal customer reception. We made a very bold bet on demand, and it turns out we were short of supply throughout the quarter and ended with a significant backlog. We’re still short in key geographies.
  • People were anticipating a new iPhone. I think we made the right decision to go with a broad range of iPhones. I think the 14th week was a big part of this, but everyone knew that.

articol in continua actualizare.