iOS 5 Battery Fix ar putea fi o simpla pacaleala

   Zilele trecute v-am vorbit despre iOS 5 Battery Fix, un patch care ar trebui sa imbunatateasca autonomia bateriei pe terminalul iPhone 4S cu iOS 5/5.0.1 instalat. Desi dezvoltatorul sau si o parte dintre cei care l-au testat sustin ca autonomia a fost imbunatatita, un membru al Chronic Dev Team sustine ca tweak-ul nu imbunatateste absolut deloc autonomia terminalelor. Pe blogul dezvoltatorului patch-ului SAM, cu ajutorul caruia puteti hacktiva un iDevice, a fost publicata poza de mai sus si ea ar trebui sa demonstreze ca liniile de cod din iOS 5 Battery Fix nu influenteaza in vreun fel autonomia bateriei.

There has been a lot of hype recently about a 4S ‘Battery Fix’ – DHowett found that all it does is replace /System/Library/CoreServices/powerd.bundle/com.apple.SystemPowerProfileDefaults.plist. I looked for any possible impact of this. While this sounds good… we’re changing the power settings right? The reality is that it does absolutely nothing. I wrote a small program to look at the active power settings (which is what the phone uses of the plist that is modified) and this is the result.

As you can see, there are actually only 4 settings that are used, and it should be noted that none of these settings were changed after installing the package and rebooting. The original and modified copies of the plist is below.

   Practic DHowett, membru al Chronic Dev Team, sustine ca iOS 5 Battery Fix nu imbunatateste absolut deloc autonomia bateriei iar dezvoltatorul SAM sustine ca patch-ul inlocuieste un fisier al iOS 5 insa nimic mai mult. Am instalat ieri patch-ul in cauza, deocamdata nu pot trage concluzii cu privire la impactul sau asa ca ramane de vazut ce detalii apar in zilele urmatoare.

This post was last modified on ian. 25, 2012, 12:26 PM 12:26

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