Video: Bill Gates vorbeste despre relatia sa cu Steve Jobs si ultima lor intalnire

   Desi Steve Jobs si Bill Gates au avut destule perioade tensionate in anii in care s-au cunoscut, cei doi au reusit sa construiasca doua dintre cele mai mari companii de pe glob si au reusit sa pastreze o relatie de prietenie destul de puternica. Steve Jobs l-a atacat pe Bill Gates in repetate randuri acuzandu-l ca a furat unele elemente ale Mac OS X cand a construit Windows insa intre ei a existat o relatie de prietenie care le-a permis sa discute aspecte din viata familiala sau chiar din viata profesionala desi ambii au condus pentru multi ani de zile companii care sunt concurente pe piata IT.

He and I always enjoyed talking. He would throw some things out, you know, some stimulating things. We’d talk about the other companies that have come along. We talked about our families and how lucky we’d both been in terms of the women we married. It was great relaxed conversation. Well, it’s very strange to have somebody who’s so vibrant and made such a huge difference and been … kind of a constant presence, to have him die. It makes you feel like, ‘Wow, we’re getting old.’ I hope I still have quite a bit of time for the focus I have now, which is the philanthropic work. And there’s drugs we’re investing in now that won’t be out for 15 years — malaria eradication, I need a couple of decades here to fulfill that opportunity. But, you know, it reminds you that you gotta pick important stuff, because you only have a limited time.

   Din clipul video de mai sus aflati putin despre munca filantropica pe care Bill Gates o face in ziua de astazi dar si cateva lucruri interesante despre relatia sa cu Steve Jobs si ultima lor intalnire.

This post was last modified on ian. 25, 2012, 5:02 PM 17:02

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