Onlive Desktop Plus aduce un nou mod de a viziona continut flash de pe web

  Onlive Desktop Plus este un serviciu al celebrei companii OnLive care permite utilizatorilorsa navigheze pe internet folosind propria tableta si un browser pentru desktop-uri. Aplicatia OnLive Desktop a fost lansata luna trecuta si aduca tuturor posibilitatea de a face si edita documente in Microsoft Office folosind o interfata virtualizata a Windows OS direct de pe o tableta iPad iar acum Destkop Plus aduce suport pentru Acrobat Reader si browsing. Folosind Desktop Plus utilizatorii pot vedea orice pagini web, inclusiv cele facute in format flash, si pot edita documente folosind o interfata extrem de simpla.

The free OnLive Desktop App, currently available on iPad—and coming soon to Android, PC, Mac, TVs and monitors—delivers no-compromise, media-rich, instant-response Windows applications including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint software, and as of today, Adobe Reader for PDFs, along with 2GB of cloud storage. OnLive Desktop Plus, available for $4.99/month at www.desktop.onlive.com, provides all OnLive Desktop Standard features plus OnLive’s gigabit-speed accelerated browsing experience with full Flash player capability. With OnLive Desktop Plus, the iPad not only becomes 100% Flash compatible, it becomes the world’s fastest mobile Flash player.

  Problema este ca serviciul celor de la OnLive este disponibil momentan doar in SUA si costa 4.99$ deci din Romania nu il putem utiliza in momentul de fata.

This post was last modified on feb. 23, 2012, 9:17 AM 09:17

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