Apple cere intre 5 si 15$ pentru vanzarea fiecarui terminal Android conform unor oferte de licentiere propuse competitorilor sai

  In momentul de fata Apple este “inclestata” in dispute legale cu foarte multi producatori de terminale Android insa totul s-ar putea termina extrem de rapid daca ofertele de licentiere despre care voi vorbi mai jos vor fi acceptate de catre competitorii Apple. Deocamdata Apple a trimis oferte de licentiere catre Motorola si Samsung, doua dintre companiile impotriva carora are cele mai multe procese. In aceste oferte de licentiere Apple cere intre 5 si 15$ din pretul de vanzare al terminalelor Android, preturile fiind facute pentru anumite seturi de brevete de inventie.

The consumer-electronics company has put forth proposals to Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (MMI) and Samsung Electronics Co. (005930.SE, SSNHY) to settle some pending litigation in exchange for royalty payments to license its patents, among other terms, [people familiar with the matter] said.  This is not a new tactic; Apple had some discussions with companies such as Samsung before initiating litigation, according to statements made to a court in at least one suit.

  Problema cu aceste oferte este ca ele reprezinta intre 1 – 2.5% din valoarea terminalelor Android deci vorbim despre o taxa mare impusa de Apple competitorilor sai. Motorola a fost criticata cand a cerut 2.25%

pentru licentierea unor brevete FRAND insa Apple face acelasi lucru acum dar exista marea diferenta in ceea ce priveste natura brevetelor. Apple cere 2.5% pentru brevete pe care nu este obligata sa le licentieze in termeni corecti si rezonabili insa chiar si asa este greu de crezut ca Samsung sau Motorola vor fi de acord sa plateasca pretul cerut de compania din Cupertino.

Apple, of Cupertino, Calif., has asked for between $5 and $15 per handset for some of its patents in one negotiation, or roughly 1% to 2.5% of net sales per device, another person familiar with the matter said. Motorola, for its part, has been criticized for asking for 2.5% of net sales per device for its wireless patents from Apple.

  Partea cea mai interesanta este ca aceste oferte ar fi facute impotriva “dorintelor” lui Steve Jobs care era pornit sa distruga Android-ul.

Any offer to license patents would seem to oppose statements from co-founder Steve Jobs, who died in October.

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