Peste 200.000 de tablete iPad 3 ar fi fost importate in China in ultimele zile

  Desi pare greu de crezut, peste 200.000 de tablete iPad 3 ar fi fost importate in China de vineri si pana acum. Cifra reprezinta aproape 10% din numarul total de tablete vandute in lumea intreaga de catre Apple pana in prezent si 200.000 dintre ele ar fi ajuns numai in orasul Shenzen din China. Orase precum Beijing sau Shanghai ar fi primit tablete iPad in ultimele zile insa nimeni nu a putut calcula cate tablete au ajuns acolo. Deocamdata in China nu este disponibila pentru achizitie tableta iPad 3 insa asta nu i-a oprit pe chinezi sa precomande tableta in SUA, tara din care ar fi fost importate cele mai multe unitati.

It’s only been four days since Apple launched the new iPad in 10 markets worldwide, but already Chinese media outlets are reporting that some 200,000 grey market devices have been smuggled into Shenzhen, a city bordering Hong Kong. Those importing devices from the US are reportedly pocketing around $20 per device, that’s opposed to $12.50 for those that make the more common route over from Hong Kong. The final price that each grey market seller puts on the devices varies, largely due to supply and demand, but initially impatient Chinese consumers itching for the new iPad may need to stump up as much as $1,580 (10,000 RMB). Over time that price is expected to drop to some $80 (500 RMB) above the official sale price, which varies based on memory and Wi-Fi/LTE connectivity. The estimation of 200,000 doesn’t represent the total number of grey market iPads in China, as it does not include supply into other cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai.

  Bisnitarii din China ar castiga in jur de 20$ pentru fiecare tableta iPad 3 vanduta si la 200.000 de unitati vorbim despre un profit enorm. Cifra de tablete importate acolo este foarte mare si exista sansele ca undeva sa se fi trecut un zero in plus chiar daca in momentul de fata China este una dintre cele mai importante piete de desfacere a companiei Apple. Lasand la o parte numarul de unitati, interesant este faptul ca tabletele iPad 3 sunt fabricate in fabricile Foxconn din China insa bisnitarii chinezi le importa din alte tari pentru ca Apple refuza sa le vanda acolo deocamdata.

This post was last modified on mart. 20, 2012, 6:00 PM 18:00

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