UPDATE: Unii posesori de tablete iPad 3 sustin ca au probleme de functionare pe retele Wi-Fi

  Abia au trecut cateva zile de cand tableta iPad 3 a fost lansata si utilizatorii deja reclama probleme cu produsul companiei Apple. Dupa problemele legate de incalzirea excesiva a componentelor interne acum avem alte plangeri care au legatura cu retelele Wi-Fi si se pare ca in cazul unor utilizatori tableta nu ar fi capabila sa ramana conectata la reteaua Wi-Fi. Majoritatea utilizatorilor sustin ca tabletele lor au semnal mult mai slab decat alte produse Apple: iPhone, iPad 2, MacBook-uri, etc, si ca uneori tableta chiar pierde semnalul dupa doar cateva minute.

I am in a hotel with my laptop and new ipad3. The laptop wifi reception is as strong as it gets, but the iPad only registers a weak signal. Anyone else having similar problems? Any suggestions?

Same here ipad2 has twice the wifi range with the same settings as the ipad3. The screens nice but I may return mine if this is the way they all are.

Same here! Will not hold WIFI for more than a few minutes. Two MacBooks and iPhone working fine from same router. Ready to return iPad!!!!!

Same problem. Have the Decorah Eagles live cam running on my MacPro, Mac desktop, and Mac Air on home network no problem. The New IPad – continually loading with occasional brief connection. THIS IS A PROBLEM APPLE YOU NEED TO FIX IT!
Thank you.

I had an ipad1 and no problems,  ipad2 and no problems, ipad3 wifi is WEAK. Settings are the same as the ipad2. I am running a iPhone 4s and an i7 MacBook air on the same routers 

  In cazul meu situatia este complet diferita deoarece tableta iPad 3 are semnal mai bun si gaseste mai multe retele decat tableta iPad 2 sau terminalul iPhone 4S pe care il am in casa. La voi cum sta situatia?

UPDATE 17:51: Conform celor de la Gizmodo, intr-un magazin Apple a fost testata problema si dupa schimbarea a 3 tablete iPad s-a ajuns la concluzia ca dispozitivul nu functioneaza chiar atat de bine cu routerele disponibile in magazin. Daca povestea este adevarata atunci la Apple exista o problema mare.

I spent 90 min in the store. We compared the speed on the 3 and my 2. Wasn’t a dramatic difference (because we were in the back of the store, closer to the router mothership!) But still there was a difference.

They did an exchange—but we all decided to test the new iPad 3.

We tested it, and still there was a difference – about 2/3 the strength. It wasn’t that big.

Then the clerk suggested we try another machine to compare two 3’s—and my 2.

When we went to the front of the store—at the entryway to the mall—I was vindicated! Because the signal was weaker—the the 2 was flying—getting 12 or 15—while the 3 was lagging at 3 or 4.

So the manager was called over. It was decided to swap it for yet another 3.

Tested it again and it was still the same problem.

But now everyone was aware that there is a problem with the 3.

Bottom line: I returned it, got my money back – and am back to the 2. It’s not as sharp, but it’s fast! So, I’ll wait a month or so, and see if they manage to improve the wifi issue.

This post was last modified on mart. 21, 2012, 5:53 PM 17:53

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