jOBS: Get Inspired va fi filmat si in garajul in care Steve Jobs si Steve Wozniak au fondat Apple

  jOBS: Get Inspired este numele peliculei facute avand in prim-plan viata celebrului Steve Jobs, iar rolul fostului CEO al Apple va fi interpretat de Ashton Kutcher. Acest film este separat de cel facut de Sony, insa se anunta a fi mai mult decat interesant, iar producatorii sai facandu-i recent si un website. Impreuna cu acest website a fost lansat si un comunicat de presa care ne spune ca filmarile vor incepe in luna iunie a acestui an si ca o parte dintre ele vor aea loc in casa in care Steve Jobs a crescut si a pus bazele companiei Apple.

LOS ANGELES, May 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The film chronicling the life of Steve Jobs, the Apple Inc. co-founder and charismatic master of innovation, begins principal photography in June and in keeping with the project’s commitment to accuracy and authenticity, will film early scenes in the actual Los Altos home where Jobs grew up and in the historic garage where he and Steve Wozniak founded Apple. jOBS chronicles the 30 most defining years of Steve Jobs’ life, as seen through his, colleagues’, and friends’ eyes. Dark, honest, and uncompromising, jOBS plunges into the depths of his character, creating an intense dialogue-driven story that is as much a sweeping epic as it is an immensely personal portrait of Steve Jobs’ life.

 In momentul de fata avem anuntata lansarea a doua filme despre viata celebrului Steve Jobs, si ambele par a fi extrem de interesante. jOBS: Get Inspired il are ca actor principal pe Ashton Kutcher, dar nu are un buget prea mare, iar cealalta pelicula este produsa de Sony, il are angajat ca si scenarist pe Aaron Sorkin si Steve Wozniak va ajuta in procesul de productie. Prima pelicula ar trebui sa ajunga in cinematografe prin octombrie – noiembrie, insa despre cea de-a doua nu stim nimic deocamdata.

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