Amazon testeaza prototipuri ale unui smartphone cu ecran de maxim 5 inch

  Acum cateva zile v-am spus ca Amazon va lansa un smartphone cu care spera sa genereze concurenta pentru iPhone si terminalele Android. Deocamdata prea multe nu se stiu despre acest dispozitiv, insa Wall Street Journal sustine ca Amazon testeaza deja viitorul terminal care ar urma sa aiba un ecran de 3.5 – 4.8 inch, cei de la Amazon urmand sa aleaga dimensiunea exacta in perioada urmatoare. Deocamdata prototipuri ale acestui smartphone ar fi fost deja facute de partenerii Amazon, deci acele dispozitive sunt testate de inginerii companiei in vederea alegetii modelului care va fi lansat pe piata.

TAIPEI—Amazon.com Inc. is working with component suppliers in Asia to test a smartphone, people familiar with the situation said, suggesting that the Internet retail giant, which sells the Kindle Fire tablet computers, is considering broadening its mobile-device offerings. Officials at some of Amazon’s parts suppliers, who declined to be named, said the Seattle-based company is testing a smartphone and mass production of the new device may start late this year or early next year. In May, people familiar with the matter said Apple’s next iPhone, which is expected to come out later this year, will likely have a screen larger than four inches, compared with the current iPhone’s 3.5-inch display. Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S III, has a 4.8-inch screen.

  Intrarea celor de la Amazon pe piata smartphone-urilor va “anima” cu siguranta lucrurile desi in afara celor de la Apple si Samsung doar Nokia si HTC mai reusesc sa vanda peste 10 milioane de smartphone-uri in fiecare trimestru fiscal. E greu de crezut ca Apple si Samsung vor pierde clienti in favoarea Amazon, insa HTC, Nokia, LG, Sony sau Motorola vor fi cu siguranta victime ale unui smartphone ieftin produs de catre Amazon. Sunt extrem de interesat sa vad cu ce va ataca Amazon piata si sper ca dispozitivul sa nu fie construit in baza ideei care ne-a adus Kindle Fire.

This post was last modified on iul. 11, 2012, 4:14 PM 16:14

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