Apple a conceput iPhone-uri cu display-uri curbate insa a renuntat sa le lanseze din caua costului de productie prea mare

  Direct din sedintele de judecata ale procesului dintre Apple si Samsung aflam ca in Cupertino au fost concepute iPhone-uri cu ecrane curbate, insa Apple a decis sa nu le lanseze pe piata din cauza costului de productie prea mare. Un fost designer al companiei a declarat ca Apple a fost extrem de interesata sa produca asemenea dispozitive, insa calitatea ecranelor si costurile de productie s-au dovedit a fi nepotrivite pentru acea perioada. Desigur ca intre timp tehnologiile au evoluat, costurile au scazut, dar tot nu avem un iPhone cu ecran curbat.

The technology in shaping the glass, the cost relative to shaping the glass at the time, and some of the design features of this specific shape were not liked… The technology at the time had a lot to do with it. The qualities of the glass at the time had a lot to do with it. These are models — I’m trying to remember a time frame — that were before gorilla glass and before a lot of the other factors. My recollection of it was that to get the extruded aluminum design that was applied to the iPod to work for the iPhone, there were too many added features to allow it to be comfortable and to work properly… If you put an iPod up to your ear, the sharp edges, because of the processes, aren’t comfortable, and you can’t get antennas to work properly in a fully enclosed metal jacket. So each one of those things needed to apply other features that started.

  O companie trebuie sa ia foarte serios in calcul costurile si calitatea produselor inainte de a le lansa efectiv pe piata si pentru Apple atunci riscul nu a meritat, dar asta nu inseamna ca in viitor lucrurile nu se vor schimba. Google  a avut succes cu ecranele curbate prin lansarea Samsung Galaxy Nexus si Apple ar putea avea parte de acelasi lucru, insa ramane de vanzut cand ar putea ajunge un asemenea dispozitiv pe piata.

This post was last modified on aug. 2, 2012, 4:57 PM 16:57

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