Surubul asimetric pentru iPhone 5 nu este real

  Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca un nou zvon a aparut pe internet si ca el sugereaza ideea ca Apple ar urma sa implementeze un ou model de surub asymetric in produsele sale. Acel zvon este complet ireal, el fiind inventia unei companii suedeze care a dorit sa afle cum anume se propaga zvonurile pe internet, de la sursa pana la utilizatorul final. La doar 12 ore de la publicarea imaginii de mai sus, care este un simplu model 3D facut de niste designeri ai companiei suedeze, stirea era preluata de marile publicatii din lumea intreaga si se pare ca unii au facut chiar videoblogging pe marginea subiectului care este o simpla fictiune.

  Scopul experimentului a fost de a vedea cat de repede se propaga asemenea informatii prin comunitatea posesorilor de produse Apple si probabil rezultatul a fost unul bun pentru companie. Intr-o perioada de timp relativ scurta surubul a ajuns in atentia tuturor, nu toata lumea l-a privit cu incredere, insa ideea era de a demonstra ca o stire falsa poate fi un mare subiect de discutie pe internet.

One afternoon we sketched out a screw in our 3D program, a very strange screw where the head was neither a star, tracks, pentalobe or whatever, but a unique form, also very impractical. We rendered the image, put it in an email, sent it to ourselves, took a picture of the screen with the mail and anonymously uploaded the image to the forum Reddit with the text ”A friend took a photo a while ago at that fruit company, they are obviously even creating their own screws ”.

Then we waited …

Less than 12 hours later it had happened. First came Apple blog Cult of Mac, who reported ”Apple May Be Working On A Top Secret Asymmetric Screw To Lock You Out Of Your Devices Forever” and then it just went on. More and more blogs wrote about the alleged leaks from Apple headquarters in Cupertino, USA. Yahoo, Wired and MacWorld jumped on. On Twitter, numerous posts raged about the issue. On YouTube, people made video blogs about the new screw. Google + talked about it page after page. Try it yourself, go to www.google.se and search on ”asymmetric screw”.

This post was last modified on aug. 13, 2012, 4:32 PM 16:32

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