Samsung sustine ca procesul de dezvoltare al Galaxy Tab 10.1 a inceput inaintea lansarii iPad

  Apple si Samsung au multe procese deschise in instantele din lumea intreaga si Apple a reusit deja sa blocheze cateva produse ale companiei coreene. Cel mai mare succes l-a avut Apple in blocarea Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, o tableta despre care spune ca ar incalca brevete de inventie care protejeaza elemente de design si functionalitate ale iPad. Unul dintre designerii care a lucrat la dezvoltarea Galaxy Tab 10.1 a afirmat ca procesul de concepere a tabletei a inceput in octombrie 2009, cu 4 luni inaintea prezentarii tabletei iPad, insa produsul celor de la Samsung a ajuns pe piata abia in anul 2011.

Samsung industrial designer Jin Soo Kim said Wednesday that his work on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 began in October 2009, prior to Apple’s announcement of the original iPad. Kim also made reference to a Jan 6. 2010 email that discussed work that had already taken place on that tablet. The goal of the project, Kim said, was to have the maximum display size in the least possible area.  Now, this hasn’t come up in court, but Samsung actually changed its design of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 after its February 2011 unveiling at Mobile World Congress and following Apple’s announcement of the iPad 2. By March 2011, Samsung was showing off a slimmer design.

Samsung even touted the changes it made to the product at its booth at the CTIA trade show, where the thinner design was shown.

  Tableta Galaxy Tab 10.1 a fost lansata in vara anului 2011, insa design-ul final al produsului avea sa fie diferit de cel prezentat cu doar cateva luni inainte la o conferinta internationala, decizia de a il schimba fiind luata dupa ce Apple a prezentat iPad 2. Desi designerul sustine ca au existat mai multe versiuni ale Galaxy Tab 10.1, unele cu profil subtire, decizia de a schimba design-ul produsului imediat dupa prezentarea iPad 2 denota clar faptul ca tableta companiei Apple a influentat puternic decizia privind design-ul final al Tab-ului.

Kim now noted that the company had both a thicker and thinner design for the Tab 10.1. He’s now going into the history I mentioned, noting that it was first shown at Mobile World Congress with the thicker design. Samsung never sold the thicker product in the U.S., Kim testified. Kim noted 80 different tablets were announced at Mobile World Congress and the company felt it didn’t have enough competitive advantage so it decided to redesign the product. “We decided we would produce the lightest and thinnest tablet in the world,” Kim said.

  Asemanarile dintre Galaxy Tab 10.1 si iPad 2 nu au fost vazute doar de catre Apple, ci si de catre Google care le-a cerut asiaticilor sa schimbe design-ul pentru a nu mai fi atat de similar cu cel al iPad 2, insa desigur ca aceasta cerinta a fost ignorata. Cei de la Google nu au dorit sa produca dispozitive care sa copieze in vreun fel terminalele Apple, insa partenerii sai nu au avut aceeasi prezenta de spirit si au facut cum au crezut ei mai bine, iar acum se lupta cu Apple in instante.

McIlhenny is pointing to a Samsung email that references a meeting with Google at which that company recommends changes to Samsung’s tablet. “Since it is too similar to Apple, make it noticeably different,” the email said, suggesting perhaps a landscape, rather than portrait, orientation.

A second document talks about the design similarity for the S series and the iPhone and, later, says that “Google is demanding distinguishable design vis-a-vis the ipad for the P3 (the Galaxy Tab 10.1).”

This post was last modified on aug. 16, 2012, 8:49 AM 08:49

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